Thursday 13 October 2011

aq x boh khlngn bestie aq !!

happy with my life

still hoping

aq rindu mu glew2...x tau rr nk kb x rndu aq kew??aq lme dh pendam prsaan aq ey..akp mu wk aq gnim??np sloh aq kt mu sapa mu hukum aq gnim??acu kb bosan dh idop aq mnx mf ngn mu,,bkn mu nk mf pom..pandang muka aq pom akbh..bsow ngk kew sloh aq kt mu..cew mu kb np sloh aq kt mu sapa mu ly anggap aq nim musuh ketat mu..pdhl kte x prnh pom baloh..

rindu mu sgt2 !! :'(

Thursday 1 September 2011

no more MIHAZ after dis !

tepat pukul 23:18 a.k.a 11.18 minit malam,,group MIHAZ ancor dlm skelip mata..byk silap y telah dilakukan oleh awop2 nim..sapa pecoh beloh bukan np..cme sedih laa sbb slh 1 sbb awop2 nim pecoh adlh silap aq gop..ramai ugop y rse aty ngn aq..n4 jew aq duk sk mse owg tgh ctw sal mslh yew,,pdhl dlm sk aq duk mkir nk slsai gn mslh yew..alih2 owg engt aq x ambk serius np y yew kb..2 ssoh ngk orw..masing2 x knl lg aq nim sp..pdhl lme dh kwn ngn aq..x tau rr nk kb gn..dlm2 ckp,,wse gop aty aq ey..agak2 rr nk ckp n ngate 2..p xpew..thun dpn emg bljo sngh rr..nk pndh nk tinggal blkew kenangan pahit dlm idop aq ey n mlkan idop bwu di skloh more sad after dis..i must find my happiness..that's my more muty..iha will be my new name..haha..nme y paling aq sk p paling aq beci ble DIA y pngl aq g2..x tau akp..huhu..xpew kwn bek,,p x mcm kwn bek..tobak aq beci ngn idop aq skrg nim..x tau rr nk kb gn..asyik2 aq y sloh..pdhl aq x wk np pom..myb spnjg group 2 ddirikan,aq ad wk awop2 nim rse aty kot.p x rr sapa nk burukkan sseowg..2 bkn diri aq..unless,,ad owg tabur fitnah sal aq..lop rr..mlz aq nk cre..len kli lop rr aq ctw..nk sliping beauty lop..hehe..ntz..salam

p/s:gudbye MIHAZ..sepanjang sy ad dlm group 2,sy rse blkew..pahit,tawar,masam,manis,masin n so on..myb sy ad silap ngn kowg sumew..but only 1 i want from u nk kemaafan dri awop sumew slme sy jd leader awop2..otey??

Monday 11 July 2011

khemoh thn nim best glew doe !!

best glew weyh khemoh kt AGRO RESORT..emg x ly lupe rr np y jd kt nung..nk2 men flying fox,kayak,jungle tracking n larian berhalang..hahaha..p y pling best flying fox rr..mla2 2 gayat rr..ble duk atas nung,,emg best glew2 rr..abz glew orh..sloh x nynyi lgu ' i believe i can fly '..p skrg nim aq meg fobia rr dgn no 1-10..beci goh aq dgr no 2..nk tau sbb np???sbb lps jew abz no 1,,sumew owg akn kne denda..2 rr y aq x sk ngk orw..ap pny owg laa..asyik2 nk denda2.adop kje goh rr..dh rr kne denda mcm askar kne denda orw..parok mlep..p npw2 pom..khemoh thn nim best glew3 tahap cipan !! hope thn dpn khemoh dkt luo gop n tlglah kurangkan denda orw..x thn aq..pliz sir !!

Wednesday 8 June 2011

suda3 laa =,=

 ish3..ap nk jd laa ngn bestie aq 2..x abz2 ngn HAIKAL..grrrr =,= sdy doe aq tgk dy..asyk2 ekal jew y dy engt..ntah ekal engt kt dy kew pn x tau..stress weyh aq tgk dy..time aq bce blog dy,,msti ad nme ad jgk suggest suh dy lpkn ekal..p dy ckp x nk laa plak..ikt komew laa..aslkn bhgie pn mlz gk nk cre sal kowg nim..pandai laa sttle..cian aq tgk..urmm..:(

p/s :: ppw pon sy ttp sokong awk AIN !!